So, recently, i was scanning online for a few things people are doing to make the world a better place. I came across an article on a high performance car forum and it was just too alarming NOT to voice my opinion.

If you remember only a few years ago, there were these companies that allowed you to do "your part" and save the rainforest. How? you ask? Buy an acre or two of some rainforest. So you send a bunch of money, you get a paper certificate, maybe even a picture and clears your conscience for all the environmentally irresponsible doings. What really happens is they are making money off the back end when they sold the rights to your acre to some logging company. If you ever banged down their door asking about your acre they would just show you another acre not chopped down yet. Totally untraceable. Genius. Not like you can really tell if it's yours or it's not likely that you'll hike 10 hours to look at an acre somewhere deep in the forest and definitely not going to build anything on the land anyways. Total rippoff, playing to the heart and guilt consciences everywhere!

With that fresh in your mind, let's put a new age spin on it. A company called EVOMS released an "green initiative" called ENV = Environmentally Neutral Vehicles. Basically, they don't do a DAMN thing to your car!!
I don't even know if they tune your car to run E85 instead of C16 (aviation race fuel) or do anything else to make your vehicle more eco-friendly.
AHAHAHA Oh they do, im sorry, you get a nifty OEM style badge for your trunk lid. I like it actually, the green leaf on the badge is cool. It makes me laugh but really it is so misleading it pisses me off. In the press release, they showed everything from Race Cars to exotics like Ferraris, even SUVs!
So here is the bottom line, they figure out (propreitary formula, im sure) what your vehicle's carbon footprint is and then charge you a fee accordingly. So I guess the guy with a stock EG hatch would only pay a fraction of a Supercharged Range Rover. They really don't tell you what they do with the money exactly, except say that your money is used to create equal removal of co2. To clarify it a bit further, the theory is, if you car creates... say 20 tons of co2 in the atmosphere over it's lifetime, then this company pledges to remove 20 tons of co2 from the atmosphere based on their carbon footprint formula.
SNAKE OIL for the Eco-unfriendly.
When i stumbled on that press release, i actually thought they were announcing some breakthrough product or method of making their cars more eco-friendly.
**snagged tid-bit:::>> "Every registered ENV vehicle receives a rear trunk badge, a pair of fender markers and door jam label with registered smart code decal.
When you register your ENV package you will choose where you want your Smart Carbon Credits invested. Current choices are: Gas to Energy, Renewable Energy, Landfill Capture, Farm Methane Capture or Afforestation."