In the past few days ive been amazed by an invention of a few scientists. A remote controlled car that uses aluminum soda rings to power the rc. It's able to go for 40 minutes at almost 20 minutes! If you can remember back a decade or so when r/c cars were more popular. Whether gas or battery powered they were fun and awesome. However, gas powered cars were a little expensive and the battery powered ones werent extremely fast and if u managed to get it fast, the battery would die pretty quick. This new tech might just bring new life into the hobby. More importantly though, this tech might just be foreshadowing for future tech in full size cars! Can you imagine aluminum power rods that powers a car for 500 miles. Seems like a very interesting possibility.I bet there would be tons of pros and cons, either way it's exciting to be around during these technological advancements. Kudos!