Enjoying shopping online for more savings and deals could definitely soon be obsolete. Of course as lower overhead causes a ripple effect that usually translates into passing on those savings to the end consumer. Not so much if "online" sales tax passes through congress... what % will each retailer have to collect will probably depend entirely on the State but none the less, i imagine that collection of these taxes will just be the beginning of an increase of end-user costs as small businesses are not readily set up with a proper infrastructure to collect taxes, then file (keep in mind that if improper tax collection/submission would find that retailer in hot water for fines and punishment) All of these things comes at a cost and Uncle Sam will reap the benefits. Not only are you going to be taxed, you will also incur a surcharge for the added amount of accounting that the company is going to have to retain an accounting firm to maintain proper records. New Taxes + new administrative overhead = Higher cost for you and a tax legislation that once it passes congress- it will be a wrap.
I imagine somewhere in D.C. there is a consortium of lobbyist rallying to make this possible which should...in theory create a more 'level' playing field for traditional brick & mortar stores. Another group of lobbyists that conduct business without much regard to the repercussions for the future. Not only will the end consumer feel it... small businesses not prepared for the added costs to do businesses will suffer but the entrepreneurial spirit will be D.O.A! Why? Many have made a decent life with modest beginnings. Think about the college kid who is artistically inclined and with ambition to put her creations on the market... if this regulation passes - she would have to go through a bunch of hoops just to get live, thus killing many dreams within an instant.
This strikes up the argument of Life... Liberty... and the pursuit of happiness. My better half showed me last week that her purchase of some Victoria Secret wares had tax AFTER shipping charges. Being a Small Business owner for a decade now - the first thing that popped into my head was an error... They could not be so bold to tax shipping surcharges, if that was the intention, surely that is illegal isn't it?
Taxation without Representation... online businesses will have to collect taxes from the purchaser's state so if someone in Florida (Miami-Dade) buys something from a store in California the store has to collect the 7% sales tax and someone else from another state buys something the corresponding tax % has to be collected - this will be an administrative NIGHTMARE for a small business owner. Sure there is software that will make this a little easier to figure out for each state but when a county in a particular state drops/raises sales tax there every online business must adapt instantly or face tax trouble. Taxation without Representation - i would imagine that this tax is unconstitutional after all how can you collect taxes for every county and state across the nation without any representation from said state/county (9600 different tax jurisdiction). As a business owner collecting taxes will have no right in choosing any state officials, won't be able to vote on anything in those states... am i missing something?
So let's say you messed up something or late with filing taxes to one of the 9600 tax jurisdiction and you get audited. Does anyone realize that means you will you have to go where u are being audited.. hire a local local, get a hotel (because u probably dont have a physical presence there) then spend who knows how long showing who knows what to deal with this issue. Just 1 audit in 1 year can bankrupt a small business. Way to keep the money out of the little man's hand. Come on people!!
The latest way to kick and keep down the little man. There is a clause that says businesses under 1 million dollars in sales will be except ( that is just the start of a slippery slope, who knows a year later it might be businesses under $500,000 and so on). The SBA (small business administration) doesn't even consider a business with 1 million in revue a small business -from wikipedia "specifies a small business as having fewer than 250 employees for manufacturing businesses and less than $7 million in annual receipts for most non manufacturing businesses"
Please check out this link and take 2 minutes to let your state officials know your opinion.
Ebay's Online Petition ! <-------------click that.
So let's say you messed up something or late with filing taxes to one of the 9600 tax jurisdiction and you get audited. Does anyone realize that means you will you have to go where u are being audited.. hire a local local, get a hotel (because u probably dont have a physical presence there) then spend who knows how long showing who knows what to deal with this issue. Just 1 audit in 1 year can bankrupt a small business. Way to keep the money out of the little man's hand. Come on people!!
The latest way to kick and keep down the little man. There is a clause that says businesses under 1 million dollars in sales will be except ( that is just the start of a slippery slope, who knows a year later it might be businesses under $500,000 and so on). The SBA (small business administration) doesn't even consider a business with 1 million in revue a small business -from wikipedia "specifies a small business as having fewer than 250 employees for manufacturing businesses and less than $7 million in annual receipts for most non manufacturing businesses"
Please check out this link and take 2 minutes to let your state officials know your opinion.
Ebay's Online Petition ! <-------------click that.