Jointly owned by Sony and Universal music groups; not long ago, they realized the severity of the changing global climate. Average youtube publishers making thousands and thousands of money from an infant industry, that be, viral video advertising caught the attention of these juggernauts and they formed an alliance to desimate all others. What is the end result? Pirated videos, unofficial video releases, basically anyone (including artists themselves) wanting to get their video viral and sneak a release to the masses will be struck down and Vevo will take over. Some artists don't even have their own youtube accounts, instead Vevo in cohoots with youtube change their accounts to include the "vevo" at the end of their user account; i.e. LadyGaga is now LadyGagaVevo. Why are you reading this? Well, because like me you're probably eager to know how things behind the scenes work and what's really going on... and now you know how when you go to youtube to watch a music video the best quality stuff out there is VEVO!