this is a blog to voice my personal opinions, share some cool stuff and basically sling my crap all over the place.

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Posted by nickchin - - 0 comments

No wonder they created water beds! Seems everytime, no matter where or when, someone is always taking a snooze. It is the most relaxing and gratifying sleep you can get short of type of sleep you get after running a marathon or an activity exerting as much Looks like this blogging thing is forming some type of pattern! See i have lots to say, an infinite source of things to blog about, being the world is so crazy as it is! However, im blogging about fishing, because well, i love fishing.

she said it's not the size but the fight in the fish! lol then she laughs
Sleeping accounts for 60% of his time fishing, always.
wha is that? bulla or penny bun?

what you got? I got snappers over triggers! i win.

fresh bonita!
into sashimi 

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