Remember that movie a few decades ago? Starring Patrick Dempsey before his uber fame on Grey's Anatomy. Yea, in that movie he proved that you can't buy love, although im not convinced cuz you can buy a whole lotta lust, and for some, lust = love! Either way, this guy just spent a whoooole lotta money to customize the hell outta this crap! and by crap i literally mean crap! You know in every region they have nicknames for people like this, in America it would be a big.bowl.o.rice! However, since it's somewhere in the Middle East, i'd have to say it is a pot.o.basmati; it might cost a bunch more but it's still rice! DWL\\ You bring the gravy, here is the rice!
Hey on a side note, he has great musical taste- err well the video's author.