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Posted by nickchin - - 0 comments

If there was one thing i was i was naturally able to kick ass at growing up would be "juggling"! The only way I could handle it like that we'd have to be using a beach ball in a zero gravity atmosphere - even then it's wishful thinking! I searched for kids doing it and some of the kids i saw make me realize there is a position for all of us in every scenario; in football (soccer) mine is drinking beer in the stands and give them the props they deserve! lol so here are a few of the best i know of!

Jeremy Lynch, played football with arsenal @ 15 years old! just Sick.

hahah these random kids in Mexico make it look too easy!

Soufian Touzani from Netherlands! I wonder if puff on some of that cheese before training

And then here is a 12 year old kid, he's probably the most popular kid on the football field!

Missa Wooo..This guy is Korean nation champion and guinness world record holder. Well up to 2007 i think

This 10 Year old boy got more skills in his dirty socks than you and all your friends put together!

And then of course everyone there is the boss of freestyle juggling!
When only countries have national anthem this guy has his own, i dont think Sergio Mendes can perform Mas Que Nada without a visual of Ronaldinho doing something superhuman! Actually, i think he is the reason B.E.P. remade that track! lol

Well, this video of Jeremy Lynch on Britain's Got Talent was just over the top - when it comes to choreographed skill and rhythm - Enjoy!

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